메추리알 절임

Many customers of quail egg peeling machines are not very familiar with the performance of quail egg peeling machines from different manufacturers on the Internet. The prices range from more than 5,000 to more than 30,000. So how do customers choose the quail egg peeling machine with the best cost performance?

  1. High-quality materials are solid first. The weight of our company’s quail egg peeling machine is 200 catties, ranking first in the domestic industry.
  2. Our company has also done a lot of work on the details of the equipment. The hose shaft seat is made of tin bronze (super wear-resistant), and most similar products are made of brass, aluminum blocks, and iron blocks.
  3. In order to prolong the life of the quail egg sheller, the rubber hose shaft is also one of the key parts. Our company’s rubber hose shaft is made of 2 chromium 13 material, and then heat-treated to increase its hardness, so as to achieve the effect of wear resistance and prolong the use of the equipment time.
  4. After 10 years of improvement, the company’s quail egg shelling machine has finally decided to use a timing belt for the transmission part. The advantage is that the transmission is stable and the noise is low.
  5. In order to pursue the ultra-long life of the equipment, our company uses 304 stainless steel for the whole machine, as small as a pulley and a small screw are all 304 stainless steel, which can be used for decades.